Pullback attractors for a class of non-autonomous thermoelastic plate systems

الملخص بالإنكليزية

In this article we study the asymptotic behavior of solutions, in sense of global pullback attractors, of the evolution system $$ begin{cases} u_{tt} +etaDelta^2 u+a(t)Deltatheta=f(t,u), & t>tau, xinOmega, theta_t-kappaDelta theta-a(t)Delta u_t=0, & t>tau, xinOmega, end{cases} $$ subject to boundary conditions $$ u=Delta u=theta=0, t>tau, xinpartialOmega, $$ where $Omega$ is a bounded domain in $mathbb{R}^N$ with $Ngeqslant 2$, which boundary $partialOmega$ is assumed to be a $mathcal{C}^4$-hypersurface, $eta>0$ and $kappa>0$ are constants, $a$ is an Holder continuous function, $f$ is a dissipative nonlinearity locally Lipschitz in the second variable.

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