Structure of the $mathbf{Lambda(1405)}$ from Hamiltonian effective field theory

الملخص بالإنكليزية

The pole structure of the $Lambda(1405)$ is examined by fitting the couplings of an underlying Hamiltonian effective field theory to cross sections of $K^- p$ scattering in the infinite-volume limit. Finite-volume spectra are then obtained from the theory, and compared to lattice QCD results for the mass of the $Lambda(1405)$. Momentum-dependent, non-separable potentials motivated by the well-known Weinberg-Tomozawa terms are used, with SU(3) flavour symmetry broken in the couplings and masses. In addition, we examine the effect on the behaviour of the spectra from the inclusion of a bare triquark-like isospin-zero basis state. It is found that the cross sections are consistent with the experimental data with two complex poles for the $Lambda(1405)$, regardless of whether a bare baryon basis state is introduced or not. However, it is apparent that the bare baryon is important for describing the results of lattice QCD at high pion masses.

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