Ground State Properties of Anti-Ferromagnetic Spinor Bose gases in One Dimension

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We investigate the ground state properties of anti-ferromagnetic spin-1 Bose gases in one dimensional harmonic potential from the weak repulsion regime to the strong repulsion regime. By diagonalizing the Hamiltonian in the Hilbert space composed of the lowest eigenstates of single particle and spin components, the ground state wavefunction and therefore the density distributions, magnetization distribution, one body density matrix, and momentum distribution for each components are obtained. It is shown that the spinor Bose gases of different magnetization exhibit the same total density profiles in the full interaction regime, which evolve from the single peak structure embodying the properties of Bose gases to the fermionized shell structure of spin-polarized fermions. But each components display different density profiles, and magnetic domains emerge in the strong interaction limit for $M=0.25$. In the strong interaction limit, one body density matrix and the momentum distributions exhibit the same behaviours as those of spin-polarized fermions. The fermionization of momentum distribution takes place, in contrast to the $delta$-function-like distribution of single component Bose gases in the full interaction region.

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