Higher Spin Double Field Theory : A Proposal

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We construct a double field theory coupled to the fields present in Vasilievs equations. Employing the semi-covariant differential geometry, we spell a functional in which each term is completely covariant with respect to $mathbf{O}(4,4)$ T-duality, doubled diffeomorphisms, $mathbf{Spin}(1,3)$ local Lorentz symmetry and, separately, $mathbf{HS}(4)$ higher spin gauge symmetry. We identify a minimal set of BPS-like conditions whose solutions automatically satisfy the full Euler-Lagrange equations. As such a solution, we derive a linear dilaton vacuum. With extra algebraic constraints further supplemented, the BPS-like conditions reduce to the bosonic Vasiliev equations.

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