Theoretical reevaluations of the black hole mass - bulge mass relation - I. Effect of the seed black hole mass

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We explore the effect of varying the mass of the seed black hole on the resulting black hole mass - bulge mass relation at z ~ 0, using a semi-analytic model of galaxy formation combined with large cosmological N-body simulations. We constrain our model by requiring the observed properties of galaxies at z ~ 0 are reproduced. In keeping with previous semi-analytic models, we place a seed black hole immediately after a galaxy forms. When the mass of the seed is set at 10^5 M_sun, we find that the model results become inconsistent with recent observational results of the black hole mass - bulge mass relation for dwarf galaxies. In particular, the model predicts that bulges with ~ 10^9 M_sun harbour larger black holes than observed. On the other hand, when we employ seed black holes with 10^3 M_sun, or randomly select their mass within a 10^(3-5) M_sun range, the resulting relation is consistent with observation estimates, including the observed dispersion. We find that to obtain stronger constraints on the mass of seed black holes, observations of less massive bulges at z ~ 0 are a more powerful comparison than the relations at higher redshifts.

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