SIMPL: A DSL for Automatic Specialization of Inference Algorithms

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Inference algorithms in probabilistic programming languages (PPLs) can be thought of as interpreters, since an inference algorithm traverses a model given evidence to answer a query. As with interpreters, we can improve the efficiency of inference algorithms by compiling them once the model, evidence and query are known. We present SIMPL, a domain specific language for inference algorithms, which uses this idea in order to automatically specialize annotated inference algorithms. Due to the approach of specialization, unlike a traditional compiler, with SIMPL new inference algorithms can be added easily, and still be optimized using domain-specific information. We evaluate SIMPL and show that partial evaluation gives a 2-6x speedup, caching provides an additional 1-1.5x speedup, and generating C code yields an additional 13-20x speedup, for an overall speedup of 30-150x for several inference algorithms and models.

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