The structure of limit groups over hyperbolic groups

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Let $Gamma$ be a torsion-free hyperbolic group. We study $Gamma$--limit groups which, unlike the fundamental case in which $Gamma$ is free, may not be finitely presentable or geometrically tractable. We define model $Gamma$--limit groups, which always have good geometric properties (in particular, they are always relatively hyperbolic). Given a strict resolution of an arbitrary $Gamma$--limit group $L$, we canonically construct a strict resolution of a model $Gamma$--limit group, which encodes all homomorphisms $Lto Gamma$ that factor through the given resolution. We propose this as the correct framework in which to study $Gamma$--limit groups algorithmically. We enumerate all $Gamma$--limit groups in this framework.

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