Building a Fine-Grained Entity Typing System Overnight for a New X (X = Language, Domain, Genre)

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Recent research has shown great progress on fine-grained entity typing. Most existing methods require pre-defining a set of types and training a multi-class classifier from a large labeled data set based on multi-level linguistic features. They are thus limited to certain domains, genres and languages. In this paper, we propose a novel unsupervised entity typing framework by combining symbolic and distributional semantics. We start from learning general embeddings for each entity mention, compose the embeddings of specific contexts using linguistic structures, link the mention to knowledge bases and learn its related knowledge representations. Then we develop a novel joint hierarchical clustering and linking algorithm to type all mentions using these representations. This framework doesnt rely on any annotated data, predefined typing schema, or hand-crafted features, therefore it can be quickly adapted to a new domain, genre and language. Furthermore, it has great flexibility at incorporating linguistic structures (e.g., Abstract Meaning Representation (AMR), dependency relations) to improve specific context representation. Experiments on genres (news and discussion forum) show comparable performance with state-of-the-art supervised typing systems trained from a large amount of labeled data. Results on various languages (English, Chinese, Japanese, Hausa, and Yoruba) and domains (general and biomedical) demonstrate the portability of our framework.

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