Bose-Einstein condensation of positronium: modification of the s-wave scattering length below the critical temperature

الملخص بالإنكليزية

The production of a Bose-Einstein condensate made of positronium may be feasible in the near future. Below the condensation temperature, the positronium collision process is modified by the presence of the condensate. This makes the theoretical description of the positronium kinetics at low temperature challenging. Based on the quasi-particle Bogoliubov theory, we describe the many-body particle-particle collision in a simple manner. We find that, in a good approximation, the full positronium-positronium interaction can be described by an effective scattering length. Our results are general and apply to different species of bosons. The correction to the bare scattering length is expressed in terms of a single dimensionless parameter that completely characterizes the condensate.

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