Spin Liquid State in the 3D Frustrated Antiferromagnet PbCuTe2O6: NMR and muSR Studies

الملخص بالإنكليزية

PbCuTe2O6 is a rare example of a spin liquid candidate featuring a three dimensional magnetic lattice. Strong geometric frustration arises from the dominant antiferromagnetic interaction which generates a hyperkagome network of Cu2+ ions although additional interactions enhance the magnetic lattice connectivity. Through a combination of magnetization measurements and local probe investigation by NMR and muSR down to 20 mK, we provide a robust evidence for the absence of magnetic freezing in the ground state. The local spin susceptibility probed by the NMR shift hardly deviates from the macroscopic one down to 1 K pointing to a homogeneous magnetic system with a low defect concentration. The saturation of the NMR shift and the sublinear power law temperature (T) evolution of the 1/T1 NMR relaxation rate at low T point to a non-singlet ground state favoring a gapless fermionic description of the magnetic excitations. Below 1 K a pronounced slowing down of the spin dynamics is witnessed, which may signal a reconstruction of spinon Fermi surface. Nonetheless, the compound remains in a fluctuating spin liquid state down to the lowest temperature of the present investigation.

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