On Minimum Maximal Distance-k Matchings

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We study the computational complexity of several problems connected with finding a maximal distance-$k$ matching of minimum cardinality or minimum weight in a given graph. We introduce the class of $k$-equimatchable graphs which is an edge analogue of $k$-equipackable graphs. We prove that the recognition of $k$-equimatchable graphs is co-NP-complete for any fixed $k ge 2$. We provide a simple characterization for the class of strongly chordal graphs with equal $k$-packing and $k$-domination numbers. We also prove that for any fixed integer $ell ge 1$ the problem of finding a minimum weight maximal distance-$2ell$ matching and the problem of finding a minimum weight $(2 ell - 1)$-independent dominating set cannot be approximated in polynomial time in chordal graphs within a factor of $delta ln |V(G)|$ unless $mathrm{P} = mathrm{NP}$, where $delta$ is a fixed constant (thereby improving the NP-hardness result of Chang for the independent domination case). Finally, we show the NP-hardness of the minimum maximal induced matching and independent dominating set problems in large-girth planar graphs.

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