A Combinatorial Approach to the Symmetry of $q,t$-Catalan Numbers

الملخص بالإنكليزية

The emph{$q,t$-Catalan numbers} $C_n(q,t)$ are polynomials in $q$ and $t$ that reduce to the ordinary Catalan numbers when $q=t=1$. These polynomials have important connections to representation theory, algebraic geometry, and symmetric functions. Haglund and Haiman discovered combinatorial formulas for $C_n(q,t)$ as weighted sums of Dyck paths (or equivalently, integer partitions contained in a staircase shape). This paper undertakes a combinatorial investigation of the joint symmetry property $C_n(q,t)=C_n(t,q)$. We conjecture some structural decompositions of Dyck objects into mutually opposite subcollections that lead to a bijective explanation of joint symmetry in certain cases. A key new idea is the construction of infinite chains of partitions that are independent of $n$ but induce the joint symmetry for all $n$ simultaneously. Using these methods, we prove combinatorially that for $0leq kleq 9$ and all $n$, the terms in $C_n(q,t)$ of total degree $binom{n}{2}-k$ have the required symmetry property.

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