Entangled Scalar and Tensor Fluctuations during Inflation

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We show how the choice of an inflationary state that entangles scalar and tensor fluctuations affects the angular two-point correlation functions of the $T$, $E$, and $B$ modes of the cosmic microwave background. The propagators for a state starting with some general quadratic entanglement are solved exactly, leading to predictions for the primordial scalar-scalar, tensor-tensor, and scalar-tensor power spectra. These power spectra are expressed in terms of general functions that describe the entangling structure of the initial state relative to the standard Bunch-Davies vacuum. We illustrate how such a state would modify the angular correlations in the CMB with a simple example where the initial state is a small perturbation away from the Bunch-Davies state. Because the state breaks some of the rotational symmetries, the angular power spectra no longer need be strictly diagonal.

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