Character of Matter in Holography: Spin-Orbit Interaction

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Gauge/Gravity duality as a theory of matter needs a systematic way to characterise a system. We suggest a `dimensional lifting of the least irrelevant interaction to the bulk theory. As an example, we consider the spin-orbit interaction, which causes magneto-electric interaction term. We show that its lifting is an axionic coupling. We present an exact and analytic solution describing diamagnetic response. Experimental data on annealed graphite shows a remarkable similarity to our theoretical result. We also find an analytic formulas of DC transport coefficients, according to which, the anomalous Hall coefficient interpolates between the coherent metallic regime with $rho_{xx}^{2}$ and incoherent metallic regime with $rho_{xx}$ as we increase the disorder parameter $beta$. The strength of the spin-orbit interaction also interpolates between the two scaling regimes.

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