Use of the Meta-analysis in the Finding of Singularities of a Nuclear Matter Created in Ultrarelativistic Nuclear Collisions

الملخص بالإنكليزية

The published theoretical data of few models (PHSD/HSD both with and without chiral symmetry restoration) applied to experimental data from collisions of nuclei from SIS to LHC energies, have been analised by using of the meta-analysis what allowed to localize a possible phase singularities of nuclear matter created in the central nucleus-nucleus collisions: The ignition of the Quark-Gluon Plasmas (QGP) drop begins already at top SIS/BEVALAC energies. This drop of QGP occupies small part, 15$%$ (an averaged radius about 5.3 fm if radius of fireball is 10 fm), of the whole volume of a fireball created at top SIS energies. The drop of exotic matter goes through a split transition (separated boundaries of sharp (1-st order) crossover and chiral symmetry restoration) between QGP and Quarkyonic matter at energy around $sqrt{s_{NN}},=,$3.5 GeV. The boundary of transition between Quarkyonic and Hadronic matter was localized between $sqrt{s_{NN}},=,$4.4 and 5.3 GeV and it is not being intersected by the phase trajectory of that drop. Critical endpoint has been localized at around $sqrt{s_{NN}},=,$9.3 GeV and a triple point - at around 12 GeV, the boundary of smooth (2-nd order) crossover transition with chiral symmetry restoration between Quarkyonic matter and QGP was localized between $sqrt{s_{NN}},=,$9.3 and 12 GeV. The phase trajectory of a hadronic corona, enveloping the drop, stays always in the hadronic phase.

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