Computing the $L_1$ Geodesic Diameter and Center of a Polygonal Domain

الملخص بالإنكليزية

For a polygonal domain with $h$ holes and a total of $n$ vertices, we present algorithms that compute the $L_1$ geodesic diameter in $O(n^2+h^4)$ time and the $L_1$ geodesic center in $O((n^4+n^2 h^4)alpha(n))$ time, respectively, where $alpha(cdot)$ denotes the inverse Ackermann function. No algorithms were known for these problems before. For the Euclidean counterpart, the best algorithms compute the geodesic diameter in $O(n^{7.73})$ or $O(n^7(h+log n))$ time, and compute the geodesic center in $O(n^{11}log n)$ time. Therefore, our algorithms are significantly faster than the algorithms for the Euclidean problems. Our algorithms are based on several interesting observations on $L_1$ shortest paths in polygonal domains.

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