Housekeeping Entropy in Continuous Stochastic Dynamics with Odd-Parity Variables

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We investigate the decomposition of the total entropy production in continuous stochastic dynamics when there are odd-parity variables that change their signs under time reversal. The first component of the entropy production, which satisfies the fluctuation theorem, is associated with the usual excess heat that appears during transitions between stationary states. The remaining housekeeping part of the entropy production can be further split into two parts. We show that this decomposition can be achieved in infinitely many ways characterized by a single parameter {sigma}. For an arbitrary value of {sigma}, one of the two parts contributing to the housekeeping entropy production satisfies the fluctuation theorem. We show that for a range of {sigma} values this part can be associated with the breakage of the detailed balance in the steady state, and can be regarded as a continuous version of the corresponding entropy production that has been obtained previously for discrete state variables. The other part of the housekeeping entropy does not satisfy the fluctuation theorem and is related to the parity asymmetry of the stationary state distribution. We discuss our results in connection with the difference between continuous and discrete variable cases especially in the conditions for the detailed balance and the parity symmetry of the stationary state distribution.

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