An integrable semi-discrete Degasperis-Procesi equation

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Based on our previous work to the Degasperis-Procesi equation (J. Phys. A 46 045205) and the integrable semi-discrete analogue of its short wave limit (J. Phys. A 48 135203), we derive an integrable semi-discrete Degasperis-Procesi equation by Hirotas bilinear method. Meanwhile, $N$-soliton solution to the semi-discrete Degasperis-Procesi equation is provided and proved. It is shown that the proposed semi-discrete Degasperis-Procesi equation, along with its $N$-soliton solution converge to ones of the original Degasperis-Procesi equation in the continuous limit.

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