We have updated our extraction of the transversity parton distribution based on the analysis of pion-pair production in deep-inelastic scattering off transversely polarized targets in collinear factorization. The most recent COMPASS data for proton and deuteron targets, complemented by previous HERMES data on the proton, make it possible to perform a flavor separation of the valence components of the transversity distribution, using di-hadron fragmentation functions taken from the semi-inclusive production of two pion pairs in back-to-back jets in $e^+ e^-$ annihilation. The $e^+ e^-$ data from BELLE have been reanalyzed to reach a more realistic estimate of the uncertainties on the chiral-odd interference fragmentation function. Our results represent the most accurate estimate of the uncertainties on the valence components of the transversity distribution currently available.
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