Local Stellar Kinematics from RAVE data - VI. Metallicity Gradients Based on the F-G Main-sequence Stars

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We estimated iron and metallicity gradients in the radial and vertical directions with the F and G type dwarfs taken from the RAVE DR4 database. The sample defined by the constraints Zmax<=825 pc and ep<=0.10 consists of stars with metal abundances and space velocity components agreeable with the thin-disc stars. The radial iron and metallicity gradients estimated for the vertical distance intervals 0<Zmax<=500 and 500<Zmax<=800 pc are d[Fe/H]/dRm=-0.083(0.030) and d[Fe/H]/dRm=-0.048(0.037 )dex/kpc; and d[M/H]/dRm=-0.063(0.011) and d[M/H]/dRm=-0.028(0.057) dex/kpc, respectively, where Rm is the mean Galactocentric distance. The iron and metallicity gradients for less number of stars at further vertical distances, 800<Zmax<=1500 pc, are mostly positive. Compatible iron and metallicity gradients could be estimated with guiding radius (Rg) for the same vertical distance intervals 0<Zmax<=500 and 500<Zmax<=800 pc, i.e. d[Fe/H]/dRg=-0.083(0.030) and d[Fe/H]/dRg=-0.065(0.039) dex/kpc; d[M/H]/dRg=-0.062(0.018) and d[M/H]/dRg=-0.055(0.045) dex/kpc. F and G type dwarfs on elongated orbits show a complicated radial iron and metallicity gradient distribution in different vertical distance intervals. Significant radial iron and metallicity gradients could be derived neither for the sub-sample stars with Rm<=8 kpc, nor for the ones at larger distances, Rm>8 kpc. The range of the iron and metallicity abundance for the F and G type dwarfs on elongated orbits, [-0.13, -0.01), is similar to the thin-disc stars, while at least half of their space velocity components agree better with those of the thick-disc stars. The vertical iron gradients estimated for the F and G type dwarfs on circular orbits are d[Fe/H]/dZmax=-0.176(0.039) dex/kpc and d[Fe/H]/dZmax=-0.119(0.036) dex/kpc for the intervals Zmax<= 825 and Zmax<=1500 pc, respectively.

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