Dehn twists exact sequences through Lagrangian cobordism

الملخص بالإنكليزية

In this paper we introduce the following new ingredients: (1) rework on part of the Lagrangian surgery theory; (2) constructions of Lagrangian cobordisms on product symplectic manifolds; (3) extending Biran-Cornea Lagrangian cobordism theory to the immersed category. As a result, we manifest Seidels exact sequences (both the Lagrangian version and the symplectomorphism version), as well as Wehrheim-Woodwards family Dehn twist sequence (including the codimension-1 case missing in the literature) as consequences of our surgery/cobordism constructions. Moreover, we obtain an expression of the autoequivalence of Fukaya category induced by Dehn twists along Lagrangian $mathbb{RP}^n$, $mathbb{CP}^n$ and $mathbb{HP}^n$, which matches Huybrechts-Thomass mirror prediction of the $mathbb{CP}^n$ case modulo connecting maps. We also prove the split generation of any symplectomorphism by Dehn twists in $ADE$-type Milnor fibers.

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