On the pro-semisimple completion of the fundamental group of a smooth variety over a finite field

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Let $Pi$ be the fundamental group of a smooth variety X over $F_p$. Given a non-Archimedean place $lambda$ of the field of algebraic numbers which is prime to p, consider the $lambda$-adic pro-semisimple completion of $Pi$ as an object of the groupoid whose objects are pro-semisimple groups and whose morphisms are isomorphisms up to conjugation by elements of the neutral connected component. We prove that this object does not depend on $lambda$. If dim X=1 we also prove a crystalline generalization of this fact. We deduce this from the Langlands conjecture for function fields (proved by L. Lafforgue) and its crystalline analog (proved by T. Abe) using a reconstruction theorem in the spirit of Kazhdan-Larsen-Varshavsky. We also formulate two related conjectures, each of which is a reciprocity law involving a sum over all $l$-adic cohomology theories (including the crystalline theory for $l=p$).

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