We demonstrate that ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic excitations can be triggered by the dynamical spin accumulations induced by the bulk and surface contributions of the spin Hall effect. Due to the spin-orbit interaction, a time-dependent spin density is generated by an oscillatory electric field applied parallel to the atomic planes of Fe/W(110) multilayers. For symmetric trilayers of Fe/W/Fe in which the Fe layers are ferromagnetically coupled, we demonstrate that only the collective out-of-phase precession mode is excited, while the uniform (in-phase) mode remains silent. When they are antiferromagnetically coupled, the oscillatory electric field sets the Fe magnetizations into elliptical precession motions with opposite angular velocities. The manipulation of different collective spin-wave dynamical modes through the engineering of the multilayers and their thicknesses may be used to develop ultrafast spintronics devices. Our work provides a general framework that probes the realistic responses of materials in the time or frequency domain.
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