Machine Learning Energies of 2 M Elpasolite (ABC$_2$D$_6$) Crystals

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Elpasolite is the predominant quaternary crystal structure (AlNaK$_2$F$_6$ prototype) reported in the Inorganic Crystal Structure Database. We have developed a machine learning model to calculate density functional theory quality formation energies of all $sim$2 M pristine ABC$_2$D$_6$ elpasolite crystals which can be made up from main-group elements (up to bismuth). Our models accuracy can be improved systematically, reaching 0.1 eV/atom for a training set consisting of 10 k crystals. Important bonding trends are revealed, fluoride is best suited to fit the coordination of the D site which lowers the formation energy whereas the opposite is found for carbon. The bonding contribution of elements A and B is very small on average. Low formation energies result from A and B being late elements from group (II), C being a late (I) element, and D being fluoride. Out of 2 M crystals, 90 unique structures are predicted to be on the convex hull---among which NFAl$_2$Ca$_6$, with peculiar stoichiometry and a negative atomic oxidation state for Al.

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