Energy-tunable entangled photon sources on a III-V/Silicon chip

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Many of the envisioned quantum photonic technologies, e.g. a quantum repeater, rely on an energy- (wavelength-) tunable source of polarization entangled photon pairs. The energy tunability is a fundamental requirement to perform two-photon-interference between different sources and to swap the entanglement. Parametric-down-conversion and four-wave-mixing sources of entangled photons have shown energy tunability, however the probabilistic nature of the sources limits their applications in complex quantum protocols. Here we report a silicon-based hybrid photonic chip where energy-tunable polarization entangled photons are generated by deterministic and scalable III-V quantum light sources. This device is based on a micro-electromechanical system (MEMS) incorporating InAs/GaAs quantum dots (QDs) on a PMNPT-on-silicon substrate. The entangled photon emissions from single QDs can be tuned by more than 3000 times of the radiative linewidth without spoiling the entanglement. With a footprint of several hundred microns, our design facilitates the miniaturization and scalable integration of indistinguishable entangled photon sources on silicon. When interfaced with silicon-based quantum photonic circuits, this device will offer a vast range of exciting possibilities.

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