Pulsed UCN production using a Doppler shifter at J-PARC

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We have constructed a Doppler-shifter-type pulsed ultra-cold neutron (UCN) source at the Materials and Life Science Experiment Facility (MLF) of the Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex (J-PARC). Very-cold neutrons (VCNs) with 136-$mathrm{m/s}$ velocity in a neutron beam supplied by a pulsed neutron source are decelerated by reflection on a m=10 wide-band multilayer mirror, yielding pulsed UCN. The mirror is fixed to the tip of a 2,000-rpm rotating arm moving with 68-$mathrm{m/s}$ velocity in the same direction as the VCN. The repetition frequency of the pulsed UCN is $8.33~mathrm{Hz}$ and the time width of the pulse at production is $4.4~mathrm{ms}$. In order to increase the UCN flux, a supermirror guide, wide-band monochromatic mirrors, focus guides, and a UCN extraction guide have been newly installed or improved. The $1~mathrm{MW}$-equivalent count rate of the output neutrons with longitudinal wavelengths longer than $58~mathrm{nm}$ is $1.6 times 10^{2}~mathrm{cps}$, while that of the true UCNs is $80~mathrm{cps}$. The spatial density at production is $1.4~mathrm{UCN/cm^{3}}$. This new UCN source enables us to research and develop apparatuses necessary for the investigation of the neutron electric dipole moment (nEDM).

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