On the role of tachoclines in solar and stellar dynamos

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Rotational shear layers at the boundary between radiative and convective zones, tachoclines, play a key role in the process of magnetic field generation in solar-like stars. We present two sets of global simulations of rotating turbulent convection and dynamo. The first set considers a stellar convective envelope only; the second one, aiming at the formation of a tachocline, considers also the upper part of the radiative zone. Our results indicate that the resulting mean-flows and dynamo properties like the growth rate, saturation energy and mode depend on the Rossby (Ro) number. For the first set of models either oscillatory (with ~2 yr period) or steady dynamo solutions are obtained. The models in the second set naturally develop a tachocline which, in turn, leads to the generation of strong mean magnetic field. Since the field is also deposited into the stable deeper layer, its evolutionary time-scale is much longer than in the models without a tachocline. Surprisingly, the magnetic field in the upper turbulent convection zone evolves in the same time scale as the deep field. These models result in either an oscillatory dynamo with ~30 yr period or in a steady dynamo depending on Ro. In terms of the mean-field dynamo coefficients computed using FOSA, the field evolution in the oscillatory models without a tachocline seems to be consistent with dynamo waves propagating according to the Parker-Yoshimura sign rule. In the models with tachoclines the dynamics is more complex involving other transport mechanisms as well as tachocline instabilities.

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