Deformed Covariant Quantum Phase Spaces as Hopf Algebroids

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We consider the general D=4 (10+10)-dimensional kappa-deformed quantum phase space as given by Heisenberg double mathcal{H} of D=4 kappa-deformed Poincare-Hopf algebra H. The standard (4+4) -dimensional kappa - deformed covariant quantum phase space spanned by kappa - deformed Minkowski coordinates and commuting momenta generators ({x}_{mu },{p}_{mu }) is obtained as the subalgebra of mathcal{H}. We study further the property that Heisenberg double defines particular quantum spaces with Hopf algebroid structure. We calculate by using purely algebraic methods the explicite Hopf algebroid structure of standard kappa - deformed quantum covariant phase space in Majid-Ruegg bicrossproduct basis. The coproducts for Hopf algebroids are not unique, determined modulo the coproduct gauge freedom. Finally we consider the interpretation of the algebraic description of quantum phase spaces as Hopf algebroids.

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