Competition of magneto-dipole, anisotropy and exchange interactions in composite multiferroics

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We study the competition of magneto-dipole, anisotropy and exchange interactions in composite three dimensional multiferroics. Using Monte Carlo simulations we show that magneto-dipole interaction does not suppress the ferromagnetic state caused by the interaction of the ferroelectric matrix and magnetic subsystem. However, the presence of magneto-dipole interaction influences the order-disorder transition: depending on the strength of magneto-dipole interaction the transition from the ferromagnetic to the superparamagnetic state is accompanied either by creation of vortices or domains of opposite magnetization. We show that the temperature hysteresis loop occurs due to non-monotonic behavior of exchange interaction versus temperature. The origin of this hysteresis is related to the presence of stable magnetic domains which are robust against thermal fluctuations.

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