Spin and orbital moments of nanoscale Fe3O4 epitaxial thin film on MgO/GaAs(100)

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Nanoscale Fe3O4 epitaxial thin film has been synthesized on MgO/GaAs(100) spintronic heterostructure, and studied with X-ray magnetic circular dichroism (XMCD). We have observed a total magnetic moment of (3.32 +- 0.1) uB/f.u., retaining 83% of the bulk value. Unquenched orbital moment of (0.47 +- 0.05) uB/f.u. has been confirmed by carefully applying the sum rule. The results offer direct experimental evidence of the bulk-like total magnetic moment and a large orbital moment in the nanoscale fully epitaxial Fe3O4/MgO/GaAs(100) heterostructure, which is significant for spintronics applications.

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