On a strange invariant bilinear form on the space of automorphic forms

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Let F be a global field and A its ring of adeles. Let G:=SL(2). We study the bilinear form B on the space of K-finite smooth compactly supported functions on G(A )/G(F) defined by the formula B (f,g):=B(f,g)-(M^{-1}CT (f),CT (g)), where B is the usual scalar product, CT is the constant term operator, and M is the standard intertwiner. This form is natural from the viewpoint of the geometric Langlands program. To justify this claim, we provide a dictionary between the classical and geometric theory of automorphic forms. We also show that the form B is related to S. Schieders Picard-Lefschetz oscillators.

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