A study of the almost sequential mechanism of true ternary fission

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We consider the collinear ternary fission which is a sequential ternary decay with a very short time between the ruptures of two necks connecting the middle cluster of the ternary nuclear system and outer fragments. In particular, we consider the case where the Coulomb field of the first massive fragment separated during the first step of the fission produces a lower pre-scission barrier in the second step of the residual part of the ternary system. In this case, we obtain a probability of about $10^{-3}$ for the yield of massive clusters such as uclide[70]{Ni}, uclide[80-82]{Ge}, uclide[86]{Se}, and uclide[94]{Kr} in the ternary fission of uclide[252]{Cf}. These products appear together with the clusters having mass numbers of $A = 132$--$140$. The results show that the yield of a heavy cluster such as uclide[68-70]{Ni} would be followed by a product of $A = 138$--$148$ with a large probability as observed in the experimental data obtained with the FOBOS spectrometer at the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research. The third product is not observed. The landscape of the potential energy surface shows that the configuration of the Ni + Ca + Sn decay channel is lower about 12 MeV than that of the Ca + Ni + Sn channel. This leads to the fact, that the yield of Ni and Sn is large. The analysis on the dependence of the velocity of the middle fragment on mass numbers of the outer products leads to the conclusion that, in the collinear tripartition channel of uclide[252]{Cf}, the middle cluster has a very small velocity, which does not allow it to be found in experiments.

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