An Alternate Ring-Ring Design for eRHIC

الملخص بالإنكليزية

I present here a new ring-ring design of eRHIC, a polarized electron-ion collider based on RHIC at BNL. This alternate eRHIC design utilizes high repetition rate colliding beams and is likely able to deliver the performance to meet the requirements of the science program with low technical risk and modest accelerator R&D. The expected performance includes high luminosities over multiple collision points and a broad CM energy range with a maximum value up to 2x10^34 cm-2s-1 per detector, and polarization higher than 70% for the colliding electron and light ion beams. This new design calls for reuse of decommissioned facilities in the US, namely, the PEP-II high energy ring and one section of the SLAC warm linac as a full energy electron injector.

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