From reversible computation to quantum computation by Lagrange interpolation

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Classical reversible circuits, acting on $w$~bits, are represented by permutation matrices of size $2^w times 2^w$. Those matrices form the group P($2^w$), isomorphic to the symmetric group {bf S}$_{2^w}$. The permutation group P($n$), isomorphic to {bf S}$_n$, contains cycles with length~$p$, ranging from~1 to $L(n)$, where $L(n)$ is the so-called Landau function. By Lagrange interpolation between the $p$~matrices of the cycle, we step from a finite cyclic group of order~$p$ to a 1-dimensional Lie group, subgroup of the unitary group U($n$). As U($2^w$) is the group of all possible quantum circuits, acting on $w$~qubits, such interpolation is a natural way to step from classical computation to quantum computation.

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