Quantum and stringy corrections to the equation of state of holographic QCD matter and the nature of the chiral transition

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We consider the finite temperature phase diagram of holographic QCD in the Veneziano limit (Nc large, Nf large with xf=Nf/Nc fixed) and calculate one string-loop corrections to the free energy in certain approximations. Such corrections, especially due to the pion modes are unsuppressed in the Veneziano limit. We find that under some extra assumptions the first order transition following from classical gravity solutions can become second order. If stringy asymptotics are of a special form and there are residual interactions it may even become of third order. Operationally these computations imply modelling the low temperature chiral symmetry breaking phase with a hadron gas containing Nf^2 massless Goldstone bosons and an exponential spectrum of massive hadrons. A third order transition is possible only if repulsive hadron interactions via the excluded volume effect are included.

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