Natural Inflation from 5D SUGRA and Low Reheat Temperature

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Motivated by recent cosmological observations of a possibly unsuppressed primordial tensor component $r$ of inflationary perturbations, we reanalyse in detail the 5D conformal SUGRA originated natural inflation model of Ref. [1]. The model is a supersymmetric variant of 5D extra natural inflation, also based on a shift symmetry, and leads to the potential of natural inflation. Coupling the bulk fields generating the inflaton potential via a gauge coupling to the inflaton with brane SM states we necessarily obtain a very slow gauge inflaton decay rate and a very low reheating temperature $T_rstackrel{<}{_sim }{cal O}(100)$~GeV. Analysis of the required number of e-foldings (from the CMB observations) leads to values of $n_s$ in the lower range of present Planck 2015 results. Some related theoretical issues of the construction, along with phenomenological and cosmological implications, are also discussed.

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