Dispersionless spin waves in Gadolinium Gallium Garnet

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We report the results of neutron scattering on a powder sample of Gd3Ga5O12 at high magnetic fields. We find that in high fields (B>1.8 T) the system is not fully polarized, but has a small canting of the moments induced by the dipolar interaction. We show that the degree of canting is accurately predicted by the standard Hamiltonian which includes the dipolar interaction. The inelastic scattering is dominated at large momentum transfers by a band of almost dispersionless excitations. We show that these correspond to the spin waves localized on ten site rings, expected for a system described by a nearest neighbor interaction, and that the spectrum at high fields B>1.8 T is well-described by a spin wave theory. The phase for fields <1.8 T is characterized by an antiferromagnetic Bragg peak at (210) and an incommensurate peak.

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