Using dc and ac magnetometry, the pressure dependence of the magnetization of the three-dimensional antiferromagnetic coordination polymer Mn(N(CN)$_{2}$)$_{2}$ was studied up to 12 kbar and down to 8K. The magnetic transition temperature, $T_c$, increases dramatically with applied pressure $(P)$, where a change from $T_c(P=text{ambient}) = 16.0$ K to $T_c(P=12.1$~kbar$) = 23.5$ K was observed. In addition, a marked difference in the magnetic behavior is observed above and below 7.1 kbar. Specifically, for $P<7.1$ kbar, the differences between the field-cooled and zero-field-cooled (fc-zfc) magnetizations, the coercive field, and the remanent magnetization decrease with increasing pressure. However, for $P>7.1$ kbar, the behavior is inverted. Additionally, for $P>8.6$ kbar, minor hysteresis loops are observed. All of these effects are evidence of the increase of the superexchange interaction and the appearance of an enhanced exchange anisotropy with applied pressure.