Multifunctions of Bounded Variation, Preliminary Version I

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Consider control systems described by a differential equation with a control term or, more generally, by a differential inclusion with velocity set $F(t,x)$. Certain properties of state trajectories can be derived when, in addition to other hypotheses, it is assumed that $F(t,x)$ is merely measurable w.r.t. the time variable $t$. But sometimes a refined analysis requires the imposition of stronger hypotheses regarding the $t$ dependence of $F(t,x)$. Stronger forms of necessary conditions for state trajectories that minimize a cost can derived, for example, if it is hypothesized that $F(t,x)$ is Lipschitz continuous w.r.t. $t$. It has recently become apparent that interesting addition properties of state trajectories can still be derived, when the Lipschitz continuity hypothesis is replaced by the weaker requirement that $F(t,x)$ has bounded variation w.r.t. $t$. This paper introduces a new concept of multifunctions $F(t,x)$ that have bounded variation w.r.t. $t$ near a given state trajectory, of special relevance to control system analysis. Properties of such multifunctions are derived and their significance is illustrated by an application to sensitivity analysis.

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