Zero Mode Tunnelling in a Fractional Quantum Hall Device

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Tunnelling measurements on fractional quantum Hall systems are continuing to increase in popularity since they provide a method to probe the non-Fermi liquid behaviour of fractionally charged excitations occupying the edge states of a quantum Hall system. When considering tunnelling one must resort to an effective theory and typically a phenomenological tunnelling Hamiltonian is used analogous to that used for a conventional Luttinger liquid. It is the form of this tunnelling Hamiltonian that is investigated in this work by making a comparison to an exact microscopic calculation of the zero mode tunnelling matrix elements. The computation is performed using Monte Carlo and results were obtained for various system sizes for the $ u=1/3$ Laughlin state. Here we also present a solution to overcome the phase problem experienced in Monte Carlo calculations using Laughlin-type wavefunctions. Comparing the system size dependence of the microscopic and phenomenological calculations for the tunnelling matrix elements, it was found that only for a particular type of operator ordering in the tunnelling Hamiltonian was it possible to make a good match to the numerical calculations. From the Monte Carlo data it is also clear that for any system size the electron tunnelling is always less relevant than the quasiparticle tunnelling process, supporting the idea that when considering tunnelling at a weak barrier, the electron tunnelling process can be neglected.

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