Resonant Slepton Production Yields CMS $eejj$ and $ejj$ Missing $p_T$ Excesses

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Recent CMS searches for di-leptoquark production report local excesses of 2.4$sigma$ in a $eejj$ channel and 2.6$sigma$ in a $ejj$ missing $p_T$ channel. Here, we simultaneously explain both excesses with resonant slepton production in ${mathcal R}-$parity violating supersymmetry (SUSY). We consider resonant slepton production, which decays to a lepton and a chargino/neutralino, followed by three-body decays of the neutralino/chargino via an $mathcal{R}-$parity violating coupling. There are regions of parameter space which are also compatible at the 95% confidence level (CL) with a 2.8$sigma$ $eejj$ excess in a recent CMS $W_R$ search, while being compatible with other direct search constraints. Phase-II of the GERDA neutrinoless double beta decay ($0 ubetabeta$) experiment will probe a sizeable portion of the good-fit region.

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