Recent development of complex scaling method for many-body resonances and continua in light nuclei

الملخص بالإنكليزية

The complex scaling method (CSM) is a useful similarity transformation of the Schrodinger equation, in which bound-state spectra are not changed but continuum spectra are separated into resonant and non-resonant continuum ones. Because the asymptotic wave functions of the separated resonant states are regularized by the CSM, many-body resonances can be obtained by solving an eigenvalue problem with the $L^2$ basis functions. Applying this method to a system consisting of a core and valence nucleons, we investigate many-body resonant states in weakly bound nuclei very far from the stability lines. Non-resonant continuum states are also obtained with the discretized eigenvalues on the rotated branch cuts. Using these complex eigenvalues and eigenstates in CSM, we construct the extended completeness relations and Greens functions to calculate strength functions and breakup cross sections. Various kinds of theoretical calculations and comparisons with experimental data are presented.

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