Multi-molecule ALMA observations towards the Seyfert 1 galaxy NGC 1097

الملخص بالإنكليزية

The nearby Sy 1 galaxy NGC 1097 represents an ideal laboratory to explore the molecular chemistry in the presence and surroundings of an active galactic nucleus. Exploring the distribution of different molecular species allows us to understand the physical processes affecting the ISM both in the AGN vicinity as well as in the outer star forming molecular ring. We carried out 3 mm ALMA observations of HCN, HCO+, CCH, CS, HNCO, SiO, HC3N, and SO as well as the 13C isotopologues. All species were imaged over the central 2 kpc (~30) of the galaxy at a resolution of ~2.2x1.5 (150 pc x 100 pc). HCO+ and CS appear to be slightly enhanced in the star forming ring. CCH, showing the largest variations across NGC 1097, is suggested to be a good tracer of both obscured and early stage star formation. HNCO, SiO and HC3N are significantly enhanced in the inner circumnuclear disk surrounding the AGN. Differences in the molecular abundances are observed between the star forming ring and the inner circumnuclear disk. We conclude that the HCN/HCO+ and HCN/CS differences observed between AGN dominated and starburst galaxies are not due to a HCN enhancement due to X-rays, but rather this enhancement is produced by shocked material at distances of 200 pc from the AGN. Additionally we claim the lower HCN/CS to be a combination of a small under-abundance of CS in AGNs together with excitation effects, where a high dense gas component (~10^6 cm^-3) may be more prominent in SB galaxies. However the most promising are the differences found among the dense gas tracers which, at our modest spatial resolution, seem to outline the physical structure of the molecular disk around the AGN. In this picture, HNCO probes the well shielded gas in the disk, surrounding the dense material moderately exposed to X-ray radiation traced by HC3N. Finally SiO might be the innermost molecule in the disk structure.

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