D.C. Josephson transport by quartets and other Andreev resonances in superconducting bijunctions

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Bijunctions are three-terminal Josephson junctions where three superconductors are connected by a single weak link made of a metallic region or of quantum dots. Biasing two of the superconductors with commensurate voltages yields Andreev resonances that produce d.c. Josephson currents made of correlated Cooper pairs. For instance with applied voltages (0, V,-V), quartets formed by two entangled Cooper pairs are emitted by one reservoir towards the two others. Theory involving non-equilibrium Greens functions reveal the microsopic mechanism at play, e.g. multiple coherent Andreev reflections that provide an energy-conserving and fully coherent channel. Recent experiments on diffusive Aluminum-Copper bijunctions show transport anomalies that are interpreted in terms of quartet resonances.

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