We discuss two extraordinary increases of cosmic ray intensity observed by Voyager 1 in the last 1.1 AU before heliopause crossing, Aug 2012 at 121.7 AU. The two increases are roughly similar in amplitude and result in a total increase of cosmic ray nuclei around 1 GV of over 50 percent and of 0.01 GV electrons of a factor about 2. During the first increase, the changes in the magnetic, B, field are small. After the first increase, the B field variations and cosmic ray changes become large and during the second increase the B field variations and the cosmic ray changes are correlated to within a day. The intensity variations of H and He nuclei during these time intervals are measured from 0.1 to over 1 GV. The total GCR increse over the two events resemble those expected from a simple force-field like solar modulation model with a modulation potential of about 80MV. This is nearly one third of the total modulation potential of about 250 GV required to produce the modulation of these particles observed at the earth at the 2009 sunspot minimum and adds a new aspect to ideas about heliospheric modulation.
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