Interactions Between Evanescent Photons and Environment

الملخص بالإنكليزية

The evanescent waves named as EW1, EW2, EW3 are described in 3 respective experimental setups: 1) total internal reflection; 2) scattering on an inhomogeneous planar target; and 3) propagation along a waveguide. Some interactions are considered between EW2 and the environment. The latter may include a beam of probing particles and/or the screen on which the EW2 are formed. Some new properties of EW are described, such as complex energy eigenvalues in case of a movable screen, and evanescence exchange between the interacting objects. This reveals the connection between evanescent states and the Gamow states of the studied system. The 4-momentum exchange between EW2 and the probe is highly selective and may collapse the superposition of studied EW2- eigenstates to a single EW-eigenstate of the probing particle. Possible imprints of EW2 in the far field are briefly discussed and a simple experiment is suggested for their observation. .

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