Making supersymmetric connected N =(0,2) Sigma Models

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We construct connected (0,2) sigma models starting from n copies of (2,2) CP(N-1) models. General aspects of models of this type (known as T+O deformations) had been previously studied in the context of heterotic string theories. Our construction presents a natural generalization of the nonminimally deformed (2,2) model with an extra (0,2) fermion superfield on tangent bundle T CP(N-1) x C^1. We had thoroughly analyzed the latter model previously, found the exact beta function and a spontaneous breaking of supersymmetry. In contrast, in certain connected sigma models the spontaneous breaking of supersymmetry disappears. We study the connected sigma models in the large-N limit finding supersymmetric vacua and determining the particle spectrum. While the Witten index vanishes in all the models under consideration, in these special cases of connected models one can use a permutation symmetry to define a modification of the Witten index which does not vanish. This eliminates the spontaneous breaking of supersymmetry. We then examine the exact beta functions of our connected (0,2) sigma models.

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