Implications of the B-mode Polarization Measurement for Direct Detection of Inflationary Gravitational Waves

الملخص بالإنكليزية

The prospects for direct measurements of inflationary gravitational waves by next generation interferometric detectors inferred from the possible detection of B-mode polarization of the cosmic microwave background are studied. We compute the spectra of the gravitational wave background and the signal-to-noise ratios by two interferometric detectors (DECIGO and BBO) for large-field inflationary models in which the tensor-to-scalar ratio is greater than the order of 0.01. If the reheating temperature $T_{rm RH}$ of chaotic inflation with the quadratic potential is high ($T_{rm RH}>7.9times10^6$ GeV for upgraded DECIGO and $T_{rm RH}> 1.8times 10^{6}$ GeV for BBO), it will be possible to reach the sensitivity of the gravitational background in future experiments at $3sigma$ confidence level. The direct detection is also possible for natural inflation with the potential $V(phi)=Lambda^4 [1-cos(phi/f)]$, provided that $f>4.2 M_{rm pl}$ (upgraded DECIGO) and $f>3.6 M_{rm pl}$ (BBO) with $T_{rm RH}$ higher than $10^8$ GeV. The quartic potential $V(phi)=lambda phi^4/4$ with a non-minimal coupling $xi$ between the inflaton field $phi$ and the Ricci scalar $R$ gives rise to a detectable level of gravitational waves for $|xi|$ smaller than the order of 0.01, irrespective of the reheating temperature.

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