Mechanics of nanoscale wrinkling of graphene on a non-developable spherical surface

الملخص بالإنكليزية

The configuration of graphene (GE) sheet conforming to the spherical surface substrate is studied through theoretical model and molecular simulations. Two basic configurations are observed: fully conformation and wrinkling. The final configuration of the adsorbed GE results from the competition between two energy terms: the adhesion energy between GE and substrate, the strain energy stored in the GE due to the deformations. Here, we derive theoretical solutions by accounting for two energy terms, and predict the final morphology of GE on the spherical surface (a special kind of nano-developable curved surface) substrate with using the phase diagram. A critical cone angle of the absorbed GE for an arbitrary spherical surface substrate is obtained. Fully conformation of GE is observed when the cone angle of absorbed GE is below the critical value, otherwise wrinkles appear. Molecular simulations are implemented to verify the theoretical model with results agree well with theoretical predictions. Results from our present work can offer a guide for designing new functional graphene electronical devices (such as nanoswithes) and fabricating high quality nanostructured coating (Fig. 13).

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