On state vs. channel quantum extension problems: exact results for UxUxU symmetry

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We develop a framework which unifies seemingly different extension (or joinability) problems for bipartite quantum states and channels. This includes well known extension problems such as optimal quantum cloning and quantum marginal problems as special instances. Central to our generalization is a variant of the Choi-Jamiolkowski isomorphism between bipartite states and dynamical maps which we term the homocorrelation map: while the former emphasizes the preservation of the positivity constraint, the latter is designed to preserve statistical correlations, allowing direct contact with entanglement. In particular, we define and analyze state-joining, channel-joining, and local-positive joining problems in three-party settings exhibiting collective UxUxU symmetry, obtaining exact analytical characterizations in low dimension. Suggestively, we find that bipartite quantum states are limited in the degree to which their measurement outcomes may agree, while quantum channels are limited in the degree to which their measurement outcomes may disagree. Loosely speaking, quantum mechanics enforces an upper bound on the extent of positive correlation across a bipartite system at a given time, as well as on the extent of negative correlation between the state of a same system across two instants of time. We argue that these general statistical bounds inform the quantum joinability limitations, and show that they are in fact sufficient for the three-party UxUxU-invariant setting.

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